He or she what will it be? Gender reveal chocolate boxes
DIY,  family

Gender Reveal Chocolate Boxes and Baby Update

Learn how to make your own easy and delicious gender reveal chocolates!

Baby Chick is a GIRL! We had our anatomy scan a few weeks ago so the doctors could make sure the baby is developing as she should and they were finally able to tell us for sure that we’re expecting a daughter! I am so excited.

It was really neat to watch the screen as they looked over every inch of her, measuring her arms and legs, and even her brain! We could see her little fingers wiggling around and her TOES. There’s just something about seeing those tiny feet that it so dang cute. It was also so crazy to see just how fast she’s growing! it hasn’t been that long since our last ultrasound and she already looks so much bigger! It’s incredible. I feel so honored to be carrying this little girl.

To tell our families about the baby’s gender I wanted to do something a little more than just call and tell them. Living overseas, we couldn’t really do a big “gender reveal” like you see all over Pinterest, so I came up with these Chocolate boxes that I could send them. My mom video called when they got the box and it was so fun to be able to see them open it up and to let them be a part of the excitement in that way. I also liked that they had to bite into the chocolates in order to see the gender rather than just opening up a box that immediately let them know. Gotta build the suspense, right?

These were such fun, SO easy to make, and just as delicious. You can make your own to give to your loved ones or to serve at your gender reveal party. Either way, they will go over really well with your family. I’m excited to share my super simple recipe with you. So let’s get into it!

Make your own Gender reveal chocolates

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What you’ll need

For the gender reveal chocolates all you really need is:

  • Rice Krispies
  • Butter
  • Marshmallows
  • Food dye (either pink or blue)
  • Coconut oil
  • and Semi Sweet Chocolate chips

If you’re going to put them into boxes like I did, you will also need:

To make the colored filling

You are basically just going to make colored rice Krispie treats. It’s as easy as that.

  1. prep a large baking sheet with parchment or wax paper.
  2. Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in a large sauce pan on medium/high heat.
  3. Add about 40 marshmallows to the pan and stir them as they melt.
  4. Mix a little food coloring into the melted marshmallows and stir, adding more coloring until you’ve reached your desired shade of either pink or blue.
  5. Remove from the heat and mix 6 cups of crisp rice cereal into the pan. mix thoroughly and let sit until it’s cool enough to handle.
  6. Spray your hands down with baking spray (so the marshmallow doesn’t stick to you) and roll the mixture between your palms to form balls.
  7. Place your balls onto the prepared baking sheet and stick them in the freezer.

I didn’t want my gender reveal chocolates to be too big and kept them about two small bites worth but you can make them whatever size you want. Remember: they will be a smidge bigger once they’re covered in chocolate.

Baby girl gender reveal chocolates

To Chocolate Coat them

To Chocolate coat them you’re going to set up a double boiler. Don’t worry if you don’t have a double boiler, a small mixing bowl set into a saucepan works just as well. Put enough water in the pan so that it just barely touches the bottom of the bowl and check it as you go to make sure your water hasn’t evaporated.

After about 20 minutes you can take your rice Krispies out of the freezer.

Dump about half a bag of chocolate chips into the bowl or double boiler along with a teaspoon or two of coconut oil and let them melt on medium heat. The coconut oil will give your chocolate a beautifully dipable consistency.

Once the chocolate is smooth and melted turn the heat down to low otherwise the chocolate might burn or get clumpy.

Dip your colorful balls one at a time into the chocolate and return them to the parchment paper.

I tried a few different dipping techniques and found that the best way to get them completely coated was to drop them into the chocolate and roll them around with a toothpick. Once I felt like they had been coated I stabbed them with the same toothpick and put them back on the parchment paper. I then used a second toothpick to help remove the first toothpick.

You have to move quickly because the hot chocolate will start to melt the marshmallows, causing them to lose shape. That’s why we’re freezing in between each step.

Once they’re all dipped, turn off your burner and put the tray back into the freezer. Leave them about 30 minutes or until completely hardened.

Carefully peal the chocolates off of the parchment paper. They most likely will have spots on the bottom where the pink or blue shows through. And we can’t have that! No one is allowed to see the color before they bite into the chocolate!

Make your own gender reveal chocolates
They may have a little moisture on them when they come out of the freezer. That’s okay.

So get your burner on and melt the rest of your chocolate chips and another teaspoon or two of coconut oil.

You can Either redip the entire balls or just dip or cover the spot where the color is showing through. I completely redipped most of mine. An extra layer of chocolate never hurt anyone.

Put them into the freezer one more time to ensure they can easily be pealed off of the parchment paper and then you’re basically done!

They can be set out on a cute tray and served as-is at your event or you can wrap and package them up to give your closest family and friends the full experience.

Printable Gender Reveal Tags

I have both round tags and square tags you can print out. I used them on top of my boxes, but they’d be equally cute in one of those little photo/memo holders set beside a tray of gender reveal chocolates.

Make sure to check them all out. I made a few different ones for you to choose from, each with a cute little rhyme.

Gender reveal chocolate boxes. Blue or pink which do you think?

Read about the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy HERE!

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