• ladybug baby shoe makeover video tutorial
    No-Sew Projects,  Shoes,  Videos

    Ladybug Baby Shoes Makeover: Video Tutorial

    These worn down baby girl shoes were just begging for a makeover! And how CUTE these ladybug baby shoes came out! I’m so in love with them. The shoes were given to me in a bag of hand-me-downs when my daughter was just born. Clearly, the shoes were just too worn down to remain as-is. (Gosh, I hope the woman who gave them to me doesn’t mind :/ ) Quick disclosure: this post contains affiliate links. All that means is that if you click a link and make a purchase off another website, I may receive a small commission. And at no additional cost to you! Cool right? Thanks a…

  • Easy kitchen cabinet update
    DIY,  Home Decor

    Super Easy and Removable Kitchen Cabinet Update

    With no more than a handful of tiny tiles and a package of mounting squares I was able to add this fun touch to my kitchen cabinets. A simple and affordable cabinet update that gives just a little POP of color to our lives. Living in a home that you don’t own can be super frustrating. You can’t paint anything or drill holes into anything. Everything you do has to be temporary and removable. That’s why I was so excited by this super easy cabinet update. The Kitchen has been my biggest frustration. It’s a nice kitchen and everything in it is new and clean and functional so I really…

  • The Easiest way to Repurpose Empty Jars
    DIY,  Home Decor

    The Easiest Way to Repurpose Empty Jars

    Give new life to your empty food jars by turning them into cute canisters to keep your home organized. I use this one here for q-tips on my bathroom counter but you can store anything at all in one of these. repurpose a short jar, like my queso jar, to hold little things like cotton balls or tooth picks. Or you can make one out of a taller jar to hold pencils, make-up brushes, or dog treats. The possibilities are endless. Be green and repurpose your empty jars! Also cool: If you leave the lid unscrewed it easily lifts off for easy, everyday access (which is how I leave it…

  • Picture frame centerpieces
    DIY,  Home Decor

    Picture Frame Centerpieces

    Overflowing with silk flowers or displaying flickering candles these DIY picture frame centerpieces are beautiful for either everyday use on your table or as part of your party decor. You can easily make your own following this tutorial! These can be customized to match your home’s decor by changing up the color and patterns, as well as the shape (see bottom of post). Frames for this project can be found at a dollar store and any size frame will work as long as they’re all the same. As for the window film, Amazon has a ton of awesome options for relatively cheap. I found the stain glass film I used…

  • DIY painted lampshade
    DIY,  Home Decor

    DIY: Painted Lampshade

    Upon moving into our new home in Okinawa, we quickly realized that around here, lamps, of all things, are hard to come by. Our living room has large, bright, florescent ceiling lights… not at all relaxing to snuggle up under in the evenings. It was clear that something had to be done to improve our snuggle time and so we set out in search of a lamp. We checked the BX (for those of you who don’t know, BX stands for Base Exchange and it’s basically Military Walmart) they had ONE lamp. It was a basic lamp, nothing fancy. It could have worked fine if only the shade hadn’t been…